Making the Most of TimeClick Audit Tools

With TimeClick set up on multiple computers in a network license, the time clock admin has access to multiple audit tools that create a useful trail in cases such as a company audit or suspicion of buddy punching.

Where you access the audit tools depends on the version you are currently running. Any version with LE in the name such as LE 16, LE 12, LE SP1, etc. is referred to as a Legacy or older version of TimeClick. Version 2018 or newer has a different interface and database structure than the legacy programs. To find the version you are running go to Help >> About TimeClick.

TimeClick 2018

In the most current version of TimeClick, Audit Tools are located in Admin >> Utilities >> Audit Tools

Two audit reports are available in the drop-down menu; Modified Times and Computer Name Log. The Modified Times report shows all times that were modified or added manually by an admin in Modify Times.

This report shows who modified the time (useful if you have managers who can modify times in their Employee Options as assigned Restricted Admins), the date and time of the modification, and the computer the time was modified on.

The Computer Name Log shows when each clock action occurred, what the action was, and the computer name on which the action occurred. If you know the names of the computers that belong to your employees, you can track whether Darren was supposedly clocking in on Adam’s computer or if he was always clocking in on his own.

When you see None listed under computer name this simply means that the time was modified by the admin and so is not a regular punch in or punch out.

Legacy Versions (LE 16, 12, SP1, LE, and 10)

TimeClick has a number of options and utilities to help manage your employee time tracking including Audit Tools. This section of TimeClick provides a comprehensive audit trail of all the additions and subtractions to the employee time cards and can be found under the main Administrative Mode.

  1. Computer Name Log

    After selecting the employee and date range, the Computer Name Log displays a report with the time and location for every clock in and out. The location is the name of the computer where the clock action occurred. Locations for times that were added or edited by an administrator appear as blank. Information about edited times is found on the Modified Records Report. This report makes it easy to ensure your employees are clocking in and out where they should be.

  2. System Date & Time

    This button refers to syncing workstations with the server and directs you to the Administrative Manual found in the Help Tab >>  Help Contents or to contact TimeClick directly for assistance in setting up the time sync.

  3. Manual Entries Report

    Manual Entries are defined as entries specifically modified by the employee, who must also provide a typed explanation. This is only permitted by the software if the Allow Out Of Sequence Corrections option (seen in the red box, below) has been checked in the Administrative Options>>Preferences menu. After selecting the date range, the Administrator may use this report to review all employee-entered additions and explanations in one place.

  4. Modified Records Report

    The Modified Records Report will likely be the most useful of these utilities to your Administrator. When the primary (Level 1) admin, secondary (Level 2) admin, or Department Supervisors add, delete, or modify a record (presuming the L2 and Supervisors are permitted to do so), TimeClick keeps a detailed account of the original entry, new entry, who changed it, when the change was made, and even which computer was used to make that change. This creates a comprehensive record to catch mistakes and means that even if your administrative passwords were compromised and someone attempted to cheat the system, they would leave a trail of breadcrumbs back to them.

  5. View Records Sequence

    The final utility in the TimeClick Audit Tools is View Records Sequence. This is a very simple menu that allows you to view the sequence of the time entries. This screen can be useful to find and fix duplicate or missing entries on an employee’s time card.

Security and Control

Not only does TimeClick provide an intuitive and reasonably priced time clock solution, it gives you a wide variety of Audit Tools to oversee the process and ensure its security.

If you have any questions feel free to contact our support team via live chat, phone (435-753-4102), or email

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