home office

Removing and Unregistering Workstations

TimeClick workstations are capable of being transferred from computer to computer. No additional licenses are needed when you are simply replacing/moving a workstation. If you are needing more licenses then click here to learn about increasing your license size.

Releasing a Workstation:

  1. Log into administration mode on any TimeClick station except for the one you want to remove it from.
  2. Go to utilities then to the “Manage Licenses” tab
  3. Select all licenses in the list and click “Reset Checked Licenses”

This will release both active and inactive workstations. But don’t worry, when the active workstations connect they will automatically be added to the list of used licenses.

Bobby Gailey

Bobby is Head of Sales and Customer Success at TimeClick where he enjoys helping current and aspiring time trackers solve problems. At home, he loves spending quality time with family and friends and nerding out over tech and video games.

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