
TimeSheet Software for Accounting Firms

Before we get too deep into discussing TimeSheet Software, let’s start with defining some of the basic functions of accounting firms. Accounting firms provide a set of services ranging from individual tax preparation and tax consulting, to auditing services. The very nature of accounting services forces you to assume that deadlines are involved. Audit teams may work extended hours to complete audit reports to the point where accountants aren’t able to sleep much during the tax season.

Whether being paid salary or hourly, or even for billing purposes, just about everyone in the profession will benefit from tracking time spent on the job. With accurate recording and reporting being the foundations of accounting, it’s hard to imagine an argument against using timesheet software in the accounting profession.

TimeSheet Software

Timesheet software comes in all shapes and sizes (so to speak). With ours, you can integrate it with Passport or QuickBooks Pro payroll software. However, You are probably familiar with the punch clock, finger scans, and all forms in between. I’ve even been employed at a job where the method was signing my own name and filling in number of hours worked that day. Scary, I know!  In this post, I would like to emphasize the advantage of timesheet software above traditional methods.

Technology is advancing at an amazing pace. It’s either get on board or get left behind. New employees in the workplace on average know more about technology and gadgets than they ever have before. Proof, my three-year-old son knows how to use an iPad better than I do! The same is true with the accounting profession. Advanced tax software and databases allow for much more accurate and efficient processing. I would argue that every CPA and/or their employees have a need for a computer at some point during the day. That is why using timesheet software is a perfect fit. Cupid himself would be hard pressed to find a better match.

Payroll Technology

Timesheet software has the ability to be ever evolving, as the technology we use inevitably is. Programmable software can adapt and change to fit the needs of any profession. Employees will be able to keep accurate time records whether they are away on an audit, working from home, or simply at the office.  Software is easy to manage and records can be (with appropriate access) easily modified.

Have you ever had to write additional notes on your time card explaining why you forgot to clock in? Editing those cards can be a hassle. With software, modifications and notes can be made with ease to allow administrators to review and approve changes. I could write forever about the benefits of using timesheet software, the possibilities are literally endless. Instead of writing more, I offer a challenge to you accounting professionals out there. If you haven’t already discovered the advantages of using timesheet software with a time clock, now is the time.

How should you get started? With our powerful TimeSheet Software, TimeClick. Make sure to grab our 14 Day free trial!


Do you have questions about timesheet software with TimeClick? Well, You’re in luck, we are here for you! Feel free to contact us!. We are here to help answer any questions that you may have. Don’t want to call? Just go ahead and leave a reply here! Do you have any tips to share? If so, please share them with us so everyone can learn from each other.

Bobby Gailey

Bobby is Head of Sales and Customer Success at TimeClick where he enjoys helping current and aspiring time trackers solve problems. At home, he loves spending quality time with family and friends and nerding out over tech and video games.

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