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Upgrading to the Newest Version

Upgrades refer to a full version change. This means new features, updated interfaces, and sometimes changes in database structure. This means that you will stay up to date with the best time clock software available. For example, in 2016 version LE 16 was released which is a separate version than LE 12. Versions TC19 and TC21, or TimeClick 2019 and TimeClick 2021, are separate versions than all the rest and are not compatible with any previous versions of TimeClick. Those who shifted from LE 16 to TC19 or TC21 went through a version upgrade and converted their database to get all the new features and functionalities.

Version upgrades are typically released on a yearly basis and changes in the versions are based on customer feedback. How much an upgrade costs depends primarily on whether you are a TimeClick Unlimited member.

  • TimeClick Unlimited member – TimeClick Unlimited includes all version upgrades at no additional cost along with its other benefits. All new purchases after November 16, 2018 include the first year of the Unlimited membership which can be renewed each year to continue receiving free version upgrades. Those who purchased an annual support plan when they originally purchased TimeClick before this date are automatically enrolled in it. 
  • Annual Support plan – This gives customers unlimited technical support for the year but no free version upgrades. If you cancelled your Unlimited membership, version upgrades must be paid for.
  • No Support plan or membership – Version upgrades and support for the upgrades don’t come free.

TimeClick is dedicated to creating and providing the best time clock software for you and we encourage you to keep up to date. To begin your upgrade to the latest version of TimeClick please click the downloads button on the top tool bar or sign up on our free trial.

If you have any questions about upgrading (the process or costs), our team is happy to assist. Email us at support@timeclick.com.

Bobby Gailey

Bobby is Head of Sales and Customer Success at TimeClick where he enjoys helping current and aspiring time trackers solve problems. At home, he loves spending quality time with family and friends and nerding out over tech and video games.

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